The Ruck
SongCity started another season at the next level above The Ruck in Troy on Sunday, September 12th. Peter Anello, Caity Gallagher, Hold On Honeys, and Buggy Jive were performing. Photography by Timothy Reidy.
On Friday, July 28th, Timothy Reidy went to troy night out. Ruck’s backyard featured Oobleck. Stacks Opened in Troy. Slidin’ Dirty had Funk Night. Troy Music Hall had Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company. 518 Craft had E-Block. Photography by Timothy Reidy.
RRX: So how long has Song City been going on? SW: We are actually pretty young, we started in November of last year. Officially the last Song City was number five, it would’ve been number six but the month prior got snowed out. We actually had everything set up and ready to go the night […]
Josh Morris, Ohzhe, Joseph Biss, and Jules Olson played at The Ruck in Troy NY on Tuesday, April 11th. Photography by Timothy Reidy.