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Safety Meeting is composed of three fun-loving and genuine guys who make music that sounds like what you’d expect from a band called Safety Meeting (reverb-soaked indie-rock with some touches of psych and jazz). The band sat down to discuss the role they play in the Saratoga rock scene, the strain COVID has put on […]
Alan Wilson Watts said that, “through our lives, the universe perceives itself.” And this perceiver believes that through creativity, the universe speaks to us. And rarely, we find people who seem to have no limit on the creative roads they can travel. Their universes are multilingual. Tara Rule is just such a person. She’s an […]
There’s a debate, perhaps only in this writer’s head, about genre. What role do we, as artists, play in the forming of a genre? At what point does an artist pushing the envelope from one genre become a whole new genre? And can I declare a genre for my music, or must it be conferred […]
Anthony is one of our area’s ‘younger’ talents, but his talent is by no means juvenile! He tears up a stage with modern hard rock and his screaming guitar. We have so many well-seasoned performers in the area, it is great for me to see these guys ready to step in and carry on the […]
The plan to make the best time we could went slightly awry when we made a necessary stop for gas and bathrooms and inadvertently left our cat at the truck stop. We realized as soon as we got halfway up the entrance ramp, which was longest ramp I’d ever been on and was also very […]
As we were leaving Salt Lake City, Paul and I realized that the trip was going to take a lot longer than anticipated unless we could figure out a low to no-cost way to repair the bus. Now, we were really glad that we had made a stop in Reno before hitting Salt Lake. We […]
I almost forgot to write about one last thing that we needed to do before leaving the West Coast. Remember our cat Autumn who’d had her first litter of kittens behind my chair on the night of Justin’s concussion? Before we could get her spayed, she had another litter of kittens. As soon as they […]
I personally love ‘outlaw country.’ I was listening to Merle Haggard when I was five and my dad and his friends would babysit me at their favorite bar. Fun times. I think it’s hard these days to call something ‘outlaw country,’ because it’s either that a band calls itself that, or their groove moves you […]
Some people are just interesting. It isn’t their clothes or their hair, but those things are interesting because why wouldn’t they be? These people are just interesting. Their presence at a thing is what makes it a “thing.” And if you get a chance to see what makes them tick, you might want to wind […]
Caribbean Crisis are an extremely unique group based in Albany who play a heavy blend of Russian folk and American punk rock. With three quarters of the band being comprised of international students, Caribbean Crisis is a shining example of how a diverse group of people can come together to make something interesting. I sat […]