Taylor Swift

For Entertainment Purposes Only: These are just silly rumors going around the internet but there actually are some bizarre coincidences surrounding the number 13, Taylor Swift performing at the Super Bowl (which she is NOT) and the illuminati . Everyone is a self-proclaimed numerologist these days but when the number 13 keeps popping up; sometimes […]

It is easy to hate on Taylor Swift.   She is everywhere and she sucks the oxygen out of every room when she shows up.  That being said, and I am naturally a contrary type, I have to defend Ms. Swift and tip my hat to her. While Ms. Swift’s music is not really my cup […]

Sweat pours down your face, off your hair, rivulets down the back off your T-shirt. It presses into your computer chair as you slam on the buttons and click over here and over there. Your competitors have computer rigs much more advanced, but you have a seventy-two ounce Mountain Dew and you have moxie and […]

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