
Page: 11

A spoof on Alanis Morissette – Ironic music video!

Punk with a Camera is one of the best places to find cool music on YouTube. I guarantee this A.P. Rodgers video will lead you into the catalogue of videos that is  Punk With A Camera! Hope you have days and not hours.

One of our favorite songs from one of our favorite bands!! Enjoy!

What a fun video for a song that many of us can relate to!

If a Mount Rushmore of Hip-Hop icons was constructed, I’d vote to have K-Solo carved out of granite. Today we are honored to be able to speak with original Hit Squad recording artist and the only East Coast rapper shown enough “California Love” to be taken in by Death Row Records. His resume speaks for […]

Nick Santos is the talented voice behind his up-and-coming project Lily, with music that’s been given as much love as the dog it shares a name with. Santos writes in to talk about his debut album Honesty Hour, the future of the scene, and what making music means to him. RRX: Tell me a bit […]

Most of the time, musicians, and music, is very people-centered. You have front people with iconic looks and four chords to their name and they become gods. But music, real music, is everywhere. It narrates our lives better than the most seasoned author. And there’s a whole world of music that we don’t realize is […]

Some musicians have so much energy and stage presence that you don’t mind if they’re not the best. And some musicians are so good that you don’t care if the just stand there on stage. But once in a while you get someone who has boundless energy and stage presence, and the absolute talent on […]

Rich Millz has been a staple in the 518 Hip Hop community for years. Today we have the chance to speak with the man directly. Ladies and gents, I bring you the money maker himself, Mr Millz. RRX: Rich Millz, I love that you use an actual name. I think of all the ridiculous rap […]


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