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Legend Rocked Cohoes Music Hall, Friday, December 3, 2021 Playing to an almost full house, Legend played what so many fans love–the “Journey stuff”.

A Celebration of the Life of Gino Nistico We’re all gonna die.  There will be a gravestone, Date of Birth, DASH, Date of Death.  That DASH, represents your life.  Your family, your friends, your adventures, your sorrows and happiness, they are all in that DASH.  If you are lucky, that DASH means something. After witnessing […]

When the idea of being a contributor to this Xperience Blog came up, I had a conversation with myself that went something like “don’t make it weird, don’t make it weird.” And, by weird I mean I have a couple different personas, and they live like Ying and Yang. One persona is a version of […]

Stephen Freidland, aka Brute Force, is, at 80, still a force of nature. Signed to Apple Records by George Harrison, a member of The Tokens, mate on a schooner in the early 60’s, this actor/musician/comedian is on a mission. We sat down, had a chat and it is certainly an adventure. RRX: I’m speaking with […]

After counting the years until I would move out on my own, without the responsibilities of raising a family, I was having another child. Jessie, who had recently decided to abbreviate her name to Jes., was almost fifteen and Justin was eleven. I felt as though I was in the home stretch. Now, I was […]

When you relocate often, you learn to set roots quickly and those roots are deep. The strongest ones are the ones grown during hard times or just big changes. When I lived in California. I was in my early 20s. I had arrived by hitchhiking across the country, gotten married and had my first child, […]

On September 26, 2020, Lucas Garrett, a local Glens Falls area musician, released his third compilation, Familiar Floors. If you are familiar with Lucas’ style, you will know his eclectic mix of indie, folk, progressive rock. But wait, there’s more! Lucas evens the playing field and has turned up the heat with this project. Where […]

There’s a debate, perhaps only in this writer’s head, about genre. What role do we, as artists, play in the forming of a genre? At what point does an artist pushing the envelope from one genre become a whole new genre? And can I declare a genre for my music, or must it be conferred […]


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