Johnny Mystery

The Top Forty Desert – An Xperience Column – by Johnny Mystery. Out in the arid plains, we find the vapid wasteland we refer to as Pop Music.  The Top 40 landscape has been talked of ad nauseam since this antiquated art form appeared nearly a century ago. Where’s the melody anyway? I didn’t ask […]

A World Without Cramps – An Xperience Column – by Johnny Mystery. Sometimes it seems to take forever for something original to catch on. Sometimes it never catches on at all. Are you happy with vanilla every day? Change feels like a pain induced by hemlock. It’s a burning sensation in the pit of your […]

Come Back to the Hop – An Xperience Column – by Johnny Mystery. Hypocrisy is prevalent in every generation of every civilization. A cult of personality is built up to the point of gods and goddesses who are appeased with the fatted calf of adulation by the unwashed, the starry-eyed, and the humble. Whether these […]

Coming to Terms With Bazooka Joe – An Xperience Column – by Johnny Mystery. Recently a good friend brought to my attention that after two years of writing this column, I have not touched on the rich history of Bubblegum music. Seriously, I could have sworn I did. No—I looked back at my archives (or […]

The Freak Explosion, Part Two – An Xperience Column – by Johnny Mystery. You might be wondering why we need a part two. A good many music lovers probably are not even aware of the term, freak beat. Like so much in the world, as we go down the time tunnel, we tend to give […]

New And Recently Discovered Tunes To Kick Off 2024 by Johnny Mystery. Happy New Year, Rock N Roll believers. We got some new records to kick things off right and my personal recommendations for some tunes you may have missed or perhaps you just forgot about. That’s okay, no judgements here. I must however get […]

2023 Wrap-Up – An Xperience Column – by Johnny Mystery. Yeah, so as I write these words, a cold wind is blowing, and The Beatles and The Stones are riding high on the pop charts. Makes me wonder what Gerry and The Pacemakers are doing these days. Really tough, at this point I’m not telling […]

From Dallas to LA – a Column by Johnny Mystery. Well, more like Dallas to the San Fernando Valley, which is where The Preachers hailed from, but they found fame in the city of the angels. The Preachers are one of two bands we’ll be checking out here. They were five guys who just wanted […]

Cult Bands – Dishing the Cult Band Clique – Johnny Mystery. They pretty much started out as cult, then for an unexplained reason, most of them became enormous, money-making machines. I’m not the biggest metal fan. I’m certainly not a huge fan of The Misfits. Glen Danzig just looks weird. Scary, like if you asked […]

Liar Liar. It’s sometime in 1965 and an eight-year-old kid is making his First Communion. It’s a big thing. You get gifts. I’m that kid and I’m about to get something that will open up the world to my young ears. No more will my contact to rock n roll be restricted to just the […]

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