Vegas Nacy
Faded Line – An Xperience Interview – by Liam Sweeny. On the way to Albany and I’m watching the clock on the dash because I got familial commitments and I’ll be damned if I don’t also commit to the one place in the city of tulips that I haven’t been to yet. Empire Underground. Vegas […]
Vegas Nacy – An Xperience Interview – by Rob Smittix. RRX: So, yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this and I think now is the perfect time. You started an organization, Precious Souls. Tell us about it. VN:. Yeah. Since my twenties, I just really had this overwhelming urge to try and […]
Precious Souls – From Michael “Vegas” Nacy: Hello all, so this has been in the making for quite some time… I have been very passionate about starting a Non for profit for abused children. Precious Souls is a NFP where all donations go to support the healing, placement and cycle breaking of abused children. Everything […]

VN: Rob, How are you? RRX: Things are good, I’m riding high, how about you? VN: Yeah, things are good over here. RRX: Excellent and today we will be talking with you (Vegas) and your daughter Gemma, who is also in the film. Hi, Gemma! GN: Hi. RRX: My name is Rob and I’ll be […]
The Full Moon Fathers “Celebrate the long awaited grand premiere of the new independent thriller “THE FULL MOON FATHERS” Sunday October 16th, 2022 from 5pm-10pm @ The Malta Drive In Theater. Opening performances from The School of Rock Albany House Band and “HOLIDAY SPIRIT” a short film by Bailey Victoria. The year is 1979. On […]
The Year was 1997, I think. My band at the time was Bone Box and we had two showcases in NYC on the same day. Scott Koening (RIP) was helping us out with some label reps. Scott was influential back in the day working with Type O Negative, Biohazard, Downset, Slayer etc. The first show […]
I believe the year was 2010. I was recording tunes for my then solo project (“Selfish Needy Creatures”), and Morgan Rose from the almighty 7Dust was heading up to my house to record the drums. He was staying for five days and had already shipped up cymbals and gear to record with. The day before […]
I have been known to do some crazy things in my time, which has led so many people to say “I always thought you did drugs!” The truth is I never got into drugs (I did smoke weed in my teens but gave that up after a few years). Now, between the ages of 16-17 […]
RRX: Sean, it’s a pleasure to sit down with you to let everyone know what you’re about and what you’re up to! How long have you been in the film biz and what are some of the films you’ve released? SC: Started my journey with a video camera in my youth when I got the […]