
We are almost through the winter and almost into spring, and we’ve got some hot stuff. Legend singer Taylor Dayne, Brick By Brick drummer Jeff Facci, and local band Girth Control.

RRX: We are here with The Hauntings, if you could pass the mic around and tell everyone who you are and what you do in the band. BR: Thanks for having us Rob. I’m Ben, I sing for the Hauntings. MB: My name is Matt Bastard, I play the drums. DW: I’m Dan Wade, I […]

Cult Bands – Dishing the Cult Band Clique – Johnny Mystery. They pretty much started out as cult, then for an unexplained reason, most of them became enormous, money-making machines. I’m not the biggest metal fan. I’m certainly not a huge fan of The Misfits. Glen Danzig just looks weird. Scary, like if you asked […]

It is spooky season, and we are haunted by good taste, but it hasn’t taken possession of us yet. This issue features Pat Metheny, Seth Biskind of Yort, and The Hauntings.                                                 […]

Pat Metheny is a musician that musicians want to have on speed dial. Acclaimed, versatile, and with a career spanning five decades, Metheny redefines genres like it’s his job. It kind of is. I reached out to Pat, and below is the ol’ razzle dazzle. RRX: As of this writing, you’re launching into a U.S. […]

Naomi Bindman. I first met Naomi Bindman at a small open mic in Troy. As soon as she told her story, I felt as if an ice pick had been driven through my heart. Naomi had tragically lost her daughter, Ellen, the week after she graduated from high school in a car crash. As a […]

The Crawl. Well, dang y’all! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Hello again – I’ve missed you. Happy End of Summer. I hope all of your summers were filled with as much sweetness as mine was. From cookouts, concerts, days on the water, nights filled with dancing, laughter and good friends, and a whole month […]

Observations and Ramblings. Confession time. I am a Geek, a Dork, a hopeless Fan Boy, and if my parents were still alive, I’d still be living in their basement. To quote The Shat, I’ve been told that I need to “Get a Life.” Aside from music, not too cookie cutter and vanilla, and radio, when […]

Left of the Dial. “What is this shit?” That’s the opening line of a very famous Greil Marcus review of Bob Dylan’s 1970 double album, Self Portrait. It still cracks me up every time I read it. What’s sometimes forgotten is that the review as a whole is pretty exhaustive and quite nuanced. It has […]

Liar Liar. It’s sometime in 1965 and an eight-year-old kid is making his First Communion. It’s a big thing. You get gifts. I’m that kid and I’m about to get something that will open up the world to my young ears. No more will my contact to rock n roll be restricted to just the […]


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